Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eastern Trip -- Day 5

Why would we wake up at 6:00 in the middle of the week on a summer vacation?  If you're climbing the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi River and north of the Carolinas -- that also happens to be home to the "world's worst weather" and highest recorded wind speed in the world (231 m.p.h.) -- you'd better get an early start so you're not caught in any bad weather!  That's right, my family and I were blessed to be able to climb Mount Washington in New Hampshire, all 6,288 feet of it.

As I said, our day began early with lots of loading; packing; preparing; and a quick breakfast of Cheerios, a piece of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, and milk.  We drove to the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center and were on the Tuckerman Ravine trail at 8:25.  If you go to my May 31, 2012, post on this blog, you'll see something quite similar to what I'm about to say, because I finally accomplished my five-year dream and goal today!  When I first climbed the Tuckerman Ravine trail, I was 14 years old and hiking with my mom, brother, and godmother.  I had a sprained ankle, wasn't nearly as into all-around fitness as I am now, and could only imagine about the years and years it would be until I could return and summit.  By the grace of God, that opportunity presented itself today.  And I fully mean every word of that sentence, because when you consider what kind of a trail this was and all the elements that could have gone wrong (but didn't), it's impossible to say anything other than Christ was watching over us and protecting us, as He always does.

The summit of Mount Washington is 4.1 miles from the start of the trail, which on most of the other trails I have hiked is a nice, fairly-easy jaunt.  But this is Mount Washington, and no norms apply.  The first two to three miles are fair enough -- not at all an easy hike, but way better than the final mile or so -- and are just a steady climb over small boulders/large rocks.  Imagine walking up about 102 home-sized staircases (sans railing) with average-sized steps, occasionally larger than average, and that's what we had.  Once we got above treeline, however, the rocks grew substantially; each one was equal to three or four stairs.  It was time to literally climb, shamelessly leaning down to scramble up the face of each one with my hands for stability, and many moments it felt like the climb would never end.  Our leg muscles and lungs were rebelling, warranting frequent mini-breaks for water and a snack, but ultimately we conquered the mountain.  About three hours after we started, we had officially summitted, and what a glorious feeling that was.  Of course we waited in line for the obligatory summit shot, quickly looked at the beautiful panorama, and headed into the day lodge/museum building for lunch (salmon wraps, Vermont white cheddar, Pringles, chocolate-chip cookie, white-grape juice) before making our descent in about two-and-a-half hours.  Although the descent is obviously easier, care must still be taken to not take a wrong step -- towards the top, it could cost you your life; farther down, there's still danger of slipping, falling, twisting, or breaking something.  Fortunately, as I said, the Lord was definitely watching over our every step and movement.  Climbing this mountain meant so much more than I could ever express through words, and I honestly never dreamed it would be five short years after my first introduction that I would come through on my goal.  I'm just so grateful and in awe, and I'll remember this moment for a long time.  Even better, my whole family joined me for it.  I know it wasn't really in their league, especially the last mile, but I so appreciate their willingness to jump out of their comfort zone to support my dream.  The sweetness of success at climbing such a tough, challenging mountain on my own two feet is made even sweeter with the love and intimacy of my family.

We celebrated the 8.2-mile round trip with chocolate bars (and trust me, we more than earned them!), raisins, and Rice Krispie treats on the way to the New England Ski Museum.  This adorable little spot is nestled right next to the Cannon Mountain tram in Franconia Notch State Park (New Hampshire) and has tons of information, photos, and relics of the history of skiing in the east, development of ski areas, racing, Bode Miller (a native of Franconia, N.H., and frequent Cannon Mountain racer growing up), equipment, the 10th Mountain Division, ski patrolling, and more.  We only had about 45 minutes until they closed, but it was the perfect amount of time and well worth the stop.  Free admission, too!

That brings me to our final stop for today, a Comfort Suites in Plantsville, Connecticut.  We got her just a few minutes before 9:00, filled our starving tummies with pizza and garlic bread from a local restaurant, and are now ready for well-deserved rest.

This was the "trail"!

Summit victory

Every tough moment was worth it with views like this.

Happy to be safely done -- no bad weather or injuries!

New England Ski Museum

Bode Miller's Olympic medals


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