Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Alaska Trip -- Day #14

This is super late in coming, but I did get back to St. Louis safely!  I'm not trapped in Portland forever!  My flight was only 10 minutes late and ended up arriving a little early, and it was a beautiful morning/afternoon to be in the air.  Alaska Airlines has a wonderful assortment of snack boxes, too, and the "snacks" actually make a full meal.  I tried the Northwestern Deli box, with smoked Gouda cheese, crackers, salami, Alaskan-made potato chips, trail mix, a chocolate truffle, complementary pretzels, and water.  Enjoying the views, resting a little bit, and finishing a book got me through to landing, and by 5:45 p.m., I was back at my home.  The very first thing I did, even before taking any baggage out of the car?  See my horses, of course!  It felt great to be back, see my family and friends, and settle into my room and routine.  But as the days have passed, I really do miss Alaska, even more than four years ago.  I know that if God ever presented an opportunity for me to stay there for an extended period of time, I would take it.  It's not just the beauty and uniqueness of the state, it's the people, the food, the incredible feelings I experience when I am drinking in the whole picture.  I really don't think words can express what I am trying to say.  I am extremely grateful for yet another opportunity to travel, learn more, and share my faith with the campers.  I hope I can return again someday, and I'd like to share this well-known verse that was in my prayer journal the night I returned home -- Philippians 1:6, "...he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."  I was privileged to volunteer, even for three short days, at the Bible camp, and I owe many thanks to many people.  My deepest appreciation and gratitude goes to my grandma for sharing her love of Alaska with me and being a great travel buddy for two weeks; Our Savior's Lutheran Church (George & Karen Sonray) for providing our housing in Nome, shuttling to and from the airport, and your genuine kindness; all the campers -- for your childlike joy and fun-loving attitudes; the wonderful counselors who did a great job of motivating and encouraging their teams (especially my team's co-leader, Laura Anderson...loved getting to know you!); MANY more people from Anchorage, Nome, and the surrounding areas; and most of all, Jesus Christ.  He has given me a passion for service, love, and children, and I cannot wait to see where He leads me in the coming years.  I strive to live each day of my life as a light for Him in this dark world, responding to his forgiveness and grace that I don't deserve.  Please join me in praying for not only the hardworking pastors in Alaska, particularly the Seward Peninsula, but for the world and Christians as a whole.  Alone, we are weak; with Christ, we are strong, no matter what comes!

If you have questions about vacationing in Alaska in general, or more specific questions about Nome, the Bible camp, or ways to support/get involved with mission work, I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my ability (or point you to someone who can)!  Feel free to email me, message me on Facebook, or post a comment below.  Please continue to check this blog, as I will soon be adding a post about my family's recent weekend trip to Kansas City, and undoubtedly other adventures as they come.  Thank you so much for reading!

On the airplane, somewhere between Portland and St. Louis.


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