Today I woke up around 7:00 a.m., did some exercise, had breakfast (peach turnover, oatmeal, milk), and read awhile until the church service at 11:00 a.m. It was so nice to visit with the same people we saw four years ago, and they remembered me. After church was fellowship hour, where we shared a wonderful lunch of caribou stew, fresh bread, crackers with caribou sausage and cheese, and lemonade. Now we are getting everything packed up to head out to camp in about a half-hour, so this is the last post I will make for several days. I ask for your prayers for all the campers' and counselors' safety, and for us to be effective at sharing Christ's love and forgiveness with all the children who attend. As I remember saying four years ago, if I can even affect one life for Jesus, it's all worth it! Blessings to all of you, and I will be back Thursday or Friday (July 21 or 22) with a full report on the week's activities!
Go girl. I am praying!